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Opportunity for African LGBT filmmakers to submit LGBT themed film

GFEST film logo


Wisethoughts, a pioneering LGBT and BAME arts charity that combines the creative use of diverse art forms such as film, visual art, performance and theatre, is now, through its initiative, GFEST, a film and art festival in London, inviting submissions of (short and full length) films by African film makers concerning any aspect of the LGBTIQ community in their respective countries.

The opportunity is for African film makers who have created LGBT themed films, focusing on the issue of homosexuality in Africa, and thus expose their work to an international audience.

Successful entries will be screened at a special event that is scheduled to hold by noon at the Bernie Grants Arts Centre in London on Sunday, 13th November, 2016.

Read also: Transnational Queer Underground: Call for Queer Art

The event will focus on issues affecting the lives of LGBTIQ people in Africa, highlighting from an African perspective, both the richness and diversity of the LGBTIQ communities in Africa, as well as the restrictions and oppression, legal and social issues experienced in the continent.

For submission and other enquiries, please contact GFEST by email: info@wisethoughts.com or visit the website www.gaywisefestival.org.uk

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