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Transnational Queer Underground: Call for Queer Art

Queer Art Poster2

Transnational Queer Underground is currently open to accept queer art materials from queer people from all over the world for its gallery project.

Your art materials can in the form of fashion, crafts, photo’s, installation, collages, drawings, comics, prints to tattoos, etc. But must be presented and submitted in pictures.

Verena who is the founder of the platform expressed her hopes for the project. She said.

“The idea is to connect upcoming queer artists from around the world and to give them a chance to be seen in places they might otherwise find hard to reach”

Transnational Queer Underground is a web based project focused on collecting and sharing queer art materials as a way of sharing knowledge and bringing people together through art.

We here at NoStrings is encouraging LGBT Nigerians to take part in this wonderful project, and showcase their talents and gifts to a wider international audience.

For more information on how to be a part of this project, click HERE.

Have something to share? Ready to tell your story? Contact us.


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