Nigerian government worries over LGBT acceptance in the country

The federal government is worried that more Nigerian youths are becoming more tolerant of homosexuals and as a result, the country’s social values are depleting.

Dr. Garba Abari

Director-General of the National Orientation Agency of Nigeria, Dr. Garba Abari on Saturday at a programme titled ‘Anti-Corruption: The Role of Media as Change Agents’ which was organized by the Muslim Media Practitioners of Nigeria mentioned that homosexuality was among the many problems the country is faced with.

He also claimed that a lot of Nigerian youths are seeking for the legalization of same-sex marriage in the country.

He said;

“Our youths are now publicly clamouring for the legalisation of gay marriage and are about to boldly take the campaign to the hallowed chambers of the National Assembly to press for it as a fundamental human right.”

Dr. Abari failed to mention the actual issues affecting a typical average Nigerian youth such as unemployment, lack of available skills empowerment opportunities, education, cultism, and a host of others.

It should be noted that homosexuals are in the minority and thus make up a small percentage of the country’s entire population, so how come they are always blamed and listed as the major problem of the entire country?

Being gay alone causes no harm to anyone; people are gay because they are gay, same as being heterosexual. Homosexuals are humans whose rights have been taken away.

They are the ones who have been oppressed and victimized. They are the ones who live in fear and struggle for their lives every day, they are the ones whose voices have been silenced and made insignificant, not the other way around.

Dr. Abari’s attempt to malign homosexuals is the same old usual scapegoating tactics employed by people in politics to politicize the gay rights struggle. It is also an ambitious move to garner attention to the almost defunct NOA (National Orientation Agency) Nigeria.

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    Lee O 8 years

    as always, just blame those who hare helpless, hopeless and have no control of power in the country ? Instead of focusing on the real problems facing everyone, they deflect to rile up the religious population to cover their inapt abilities to do anything constructive for the masses of their people.

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    kemi 8 years

    Why am I not surprised…. ?

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    Dextrous 8 years

    Dr.Garba Abari is gay, and also has at least 2 kids who are gay.

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      Lee O 8 years

      it is easy to make accusations, and usually, for whatever reasons, some of those who are harsh critics and discriminates the most, are closet gays or have gay tendencies, and fight and harm others to try to redeem themselves, in their own mind ! Show some actual facts or proof to support accusations will go further in establishing this with Dr Abari or not. If he is gay or have gay tendencies, he should own up to the truth, which should help others come out and be more open to teach others that gay people are good people, who just want the same freedoms to live, love and succeed as every other human being in society does. We are or should be one people without judgement. We all have different attractions, romantically and we should celebrate our differences in all things, versus discriminating and judging others…

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    spiralx 8 years

    Separative, hate-filled “‘values” , social or otherwise, are best left in the closet.

    About time this lot got themselves a life, and moved into the 20th century (the 21st is probably asking too much of them right now!).

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    Nikki 8 years

    Sad in deed. Thats why our Nigerian brothers get crazy the moment theynlandnin South Africa as they are free to be who they are. Lets justnfacebthe facts. No matter how much we hate or hurt, Homosexuality is a part of our existence and nothing will change this. I have over 20 nigerian gay friends and they are just awesome people. If you are agay and need refuge outside your borders please get in touch with me

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