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Shocking Video: Secret Study of African Black Tribal Homosexuality & Sacrifices

Two Homosexual Man

Screenshot from the video. Source: Youtube.

By Mike Daemon

Many Africans find it hard to believe that homosexuality is deeply rooted in Africa and can also be found within every other continent in the world. They also refuse to accept that it was widely practiced and celebrated in Africa, long before the colonial masters brought in Christianity and introduced the draconian laws criminalizing homosexuality today.

A video on YouTube, will confirm the above assertions to be completely true.

In the video, you will watch what appears to be an African cultural festival, portraying male homosexuality in a positive way. A certain African tribe, gathers in excitement and watches as some men, play with their bodies and genitals, masturbates in public, some pretend to be women and carry out homosexual sex acts on top of each other. Throughout the video, you will come to discover that these men really did enjoy themselves.

*Note: Please be warned, there is nudity and sexual scenes, and if you find this sorts of things disturbing, we advice that you do not proceed.

Watch the video below, or click HERE to see it on YouTube.


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    Rickie Thomas 9 years

    They need to give then lubricant so it is easy to go in and don’t hurt the young boys ass

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    Strongforu 9 years

    Love needs no labels. Not does it need explanation. Follow your heart and be careful.

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    spaterman 8 years

    Its good and better to follow your heart

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    felix 8 years

    They need to give lubricant so that it will be easy to go in but those guy are too young for that !!!

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    Jerry 8 years

    Well, I strongly believe that we have to show love to homosexuals and lesbians. Accept them into our society and never ever exhibit any form of discrimination against them. However, I strongly reject the idea that we have to accept homsexualism and lesbianism as being norm. No! Never! Instead, we have to pray for them to accept who God created them to be.

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    Claudio 8 years

    Dear Jerry, I agree with you. Homosexuality, transsexuality or any other form of non-heterosexuality will never become the norm in the world, simply because they are sexualities of minorities. But this is just why they have to be respected!
    No one should be punished for anything as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else. And I really don’t understand how love and caring should hurt anyone…? So why do people even care, what others do in their bedroom?! It’s none of your buisness!!
    Also I don’t come to you and tell you what colour you should like, just because I like it. Let people like us be ourselves! We’re a valid part of society just like you! And I believe, if God created LGBTQ he would be a very cruel God to implement these desires into humans but later say they have to be condemned.
    If anything, God accepts these people as who they are and willingly put them this way to test you, Jerry. To test your acceptance and love for people who are different. To let them change you and open your narrowed perspective. Religion can be practised in so many ways…

    And at NoStrings: I think it’s great to have such a website as yours, where people can exchange thoughts about LGBTQ issues! I myself am from Europe and here we have a very different situation concerning the laws on homosexuality.
    Keep up all the good work! You are precious to the people surrounding you!

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    Master Adrian 5 years

    A huge number of African countries claim, based on whatever evidence, that homosexuality is NOT part of any African countrie’s history or culture. Those claims are false, and in fact a denial of the history -and- culture of Africa!
    The claims as done by many individuals in Adrican countries are often if not always based on non-African religious and or political ideologies, and show only the hypocrisy of those individuals!
    Homosexuality is, like heterosexuality, part of the history -and- culture of the human race, and thus of the African history and culture!
    Condemning homosexuality on the basis of false facts and assumptions is utterly wrong, and damages the value of historical and cultural facts, demeaning those facts, and belittles the importance of homosexuality for the human race, including all African people!

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    Paul 5 years

    Older than any known human religion,same sex bonding is observed among aLL the large brained mammals-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqPVs4yX5x0

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    Gifty 5 years

    The only thing in this world people can do is to hate u when they do not understand u…and also the homosexual issues,cuz unnatural they said.but yet people are born every day living different lives.
    I find it difficult to fight off this life in me,but when I looked and saw that I was different I accepted my myself.cuz I cannot change what has been in me.people they see cannot be the same.

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    Tom 5 years

    Where can I watch the documentary?

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    William June 4 years

    We are one…. Make no mistake saying otherwise. #PRIDE🌈

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    Ozspeedoboy 4 years

    I love how big African Men’s dicks are and they are so proud of them and no shame to show them off! 
    There is a massive stigma worldwide that Gay people shouldn’t be accepted and the reason for this is because there’s probably more gay men who are straight but will never come to their senses and accept the fact so they take it out on other people just like Any other form of abuse!
    Why do gay people have to be put into a “Hate” category!
    They are normal human beings like anyone else and should be accepted just like you and me!

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    Andy 4 years

    Where can I watch the whole documentary?

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