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Old photos of gay men in loving relationships surfaces on the internet

Many people argue that homosexuality is a recent phenomenon, and remain ignorant of the very fact that homosexuality is as old and valid as heterosexuality.

Even though the public show of same-sex attraction between lovers, especially in African countries have always been kept a secret for decades, but the truth is that, men have always found other men sexually attractive, and they have always acted on what they felt.

But quite recently as evidently seen in many parts of Africa, people, especially young gays are starting to courageously speak out and even living more openly and comfortably embracing their authentic nature as homosexuals. And this is due to the fact that they are starting to realize that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay as even several advanced research studies have shown that homosexuality is not an illness, but inherently natural, and so therefore sexual orientation cannot be altered.

Read also: Professor reveals that sexual orientation cannot be changed

The photos shared below further proves that regardless of what anyone thought or still think about homosexuality, love have always won, and will continue to win.

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    Master Adrian 6 years

    When there would have been photography at the time Jesus (that guy that is claimed to be the son of god!) was running around on the globe, we would have been able to see 13 males being in love with eachother, Jeus and his 12 disciples!
    Furthermore, when we look at the fresco´s at old Egyptian burial places we see males engaged in gay loving encounters!
    There´s nothing new under the sun, homosexuality has been around always, and will always be around!
    Thos claiming homosexuality is a new thing should know their history! lacking knowledge of history means being too stupid to exist now!

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