Man loses chance for employment after it was discovered that he’s gay

A Nigerian man has shared details about how he lost an employment opportunity after he was outed as gay.

By Mike Daemon

In a screenshot that was shared on Facebook by his blogger friend, it was revealed that he lost the chance for possible employment after he was outed by a closeted gay man who works with the organization simply because he had previously turned down his request for a hook-up.

According to him, he was qualified for the position and even received a phone call from one of the staff who informed him that they were impressed with his interview performance and were looking to employ him, but only for him to later receive a shocking phone call from the organization informing him that they were no longer interested in hiring him because he is gay.


See the screenshots below.

This is just a sad but familiar reality for LGBTIQ+ persons living in Nigeria where they continue to face various forms of discrimination based on their real or perceived sexual orientation.

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    Well, loosing the opportunity to a job because of being gay is not something typically for Nigeria……. it happens in for instance the Netherlands also, or Germany, or the USA…. it’s nothing new!

    The only difference is that in the Netherlands and Germany one can go to the courts, and claim discrimination, and the judge will punishe the company that refused to give you the job. It’s the law in these countries that makes it ILLEGAL to discriminate on the basis of someone’s sexual orientation, and punishes the company that violates the law, in public and openly!

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    Francis 3 years

    Sad 😔😔. I wouldn’t blame him if he returns there and outs the bastard publicly. They would definitely believe him if the idiot was the one that outed him as they never revealed who actually raised the gay issue to them.

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    Gifty 3 years

    Yeah..its unfair that even a queer can make his fellow queer lose the opportunity of working in the name of because I befriend u u refused my proposal… Why is that..such hatred is not supposed to be happening in our community towards another. Lgbtq people say love is love,but where is that love? U think love is only wen u sleep with one another.and that company should’ve questioned that fool about how he know that he’s gay.

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    Ike 3 years

    God help us.

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