Afghanistan men are having sex with under-aged boys, they deny its pedophilia

In Afghanistan men recruit younger boys, luring them with gift items and money with the intentions of having sex with them. They are doing this under the guise of a disgusting old sexual traditional practice called ‘Bacha Bazi”.

Caption from the video documentary.

A video documentary titled ‘They don’t just dance’ made available online by RTDoc – an English language documentary channel created by RT (ANO “TV-Novosti”) a Russian media company, shows how under-aged boys are recruited and taught how to dance like women in parties organized by rich folks, who then later select their favourite boy for sex. In Afghanistan, this is not viewed as homosexuality, even though there are strict laws prohibiting the act.

Amir, an older man from the documentary said that he is aroused by the sight of young men and as well admitted to having exploited them sexually.

He said;
Obviously, when I am with boys, I feel aroused, so it’s just a fair exchange. I give them money, and they give me their bodies”

The men who recruit these young boys are called ‘Playboys’. They are rich and well connected which places them beyond the law. They often target the poor ones who are either desperate to make money or burdened with the responsibility to take care of their families. The recruited boys who are necessarily not gay are usually between the ages of 12–13 and are called ‘bachas’. They remain in the business until they are 20.

Japar, a retired field commander who claimed to have worked with the Afghanistan government, but now a ‘payboy’ said;

“When a boy is older, we make their life better; we buy their bacha clothes, pay for their wedding when they are no longer wanted.

“We feed them well, we prepare all their food for them, we do everything, we support them in every way”

One of the bacha boys who talked about his sexual experience(s) said;

“It feels a bit like love, it can hurt badly too, but money is important”

Hypocrisy is at play here, and clearly, the men involved in this acts are pedophiles, no doubt.

To watch the documentary, click HERE.

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    Lee 8 years

    And the rich men do not consider this as homosexuality ? Wow, if a man is aroused at the sight of other males, whether young or old, have sex with the same sex is homosexuality. Call it anything you prefer, but that does not change what it really is. Shame on them, nothing by hypocrites !

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    jamie e 8 years

    No wonder the rest of the world doesn’t wan’t afghan refugees.

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    Having relationships with young men over 16 is one thing, but sexual congress with children is another matter altogether. This is nothing but the most appalling abuse and shameless hypocrisy. I find it mpossible to rationalise how an Islamic country that executes homosexuals for being in an adult to adult relationship harming no-one, can nevertheless justify and condone such wicked abuse by pedophiles of its own children like this. The disconnect is beyond belief.

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