7 Lies People Tell About Anal Sex!

I have come to understand that many people are still very much curious, and deceived about the issue of anal sex, especially as many has attributed anal sex to something that exclusively happens only within the LGBT community. To clear up doubts, i have listed out the following below: So lets start:
1. Only Homosexuals Have Anal Sex.
When people talk about anal sex, they quickly jump to conclude that anal sex is for just gays. But this is clearly not true. In actuality, anal sex has been voted the number one taboo sexual behavior that heterosexual couples want to try or even try. So obviously, it’s not true that anal sex is for only homosexuals. In fact a certain owner of a Nigerian online sex toy shop, confirmed that majority of the people who patronize her shop, are heterosexuals.
2. Anal Sex hurts.
In truth, anal sex doesn’t have to hurt. It’s often just done incorrectly. Many people find it incredibly pleasurable, and some even report having orgasms with them. Yes! If you and your partner start slow, work your way into insertion with smaller implements like fingers and sex toys and use plenty of lube, pain will be the last thing on your mind.
3. Anal Sex Could Make You Less Of A Person.
This is completely false. Yes the society generally regards sex as something dirty or bad. Some still feel this way even when they have it with their wives or husbands. This is completely psychological. It has a lot to do with what we have been told and what we have accepted to be true about sex in general our whole lives. But all this too can change over time when we begin to understand that sexual desires are only natural and there is absolutely nothing wrong with having the urge or engaging in sexual activities. We feel bad about whatever kind of sex sometimes because of what our religion has taught us about sex. The holiness crap, and the consumed and brainwashed idea that we have to stay spiritually clean and all that. In truth, sex itself does no harm. So why does it have to be bad?
4. Anal Sex Could Harm You.
Funny but the truth is, having any kind of sex the “wrong way” could cause damage. For heterosexuals, If you are vaginally dry and don’t use additional lube, you can cause micro-tears in the vagina. The same thing can happen in anal sex. Granted the vagina does create its own lubrication usually (depending on hormones etc.) and the anus does not but that just means real lube (not saliva) needs to be used for a healthy experience.
5. Your Anus Will Lose Its Firm or Become Stretched Out
Just like the myth that the vagina gets irreparably stretched out from childbirth, this is also a misconception. There were rumors in the late seventies of groups of men who engaged in so much anal activity that they actually lost control of bowel movements. Regular, healthy use of anal sex will not lead to this outcome, assuming those claims were true. Through regular anal sex, your anus does learn to become more relaxed but much of that has to do with your ability to relax yourself mentally for the act. And we all know that the vagina accommodates a wide range of penises, the anus can too — with the right introduction. So when people jump to say “Oh, you will soon need an adult pad” this is a big fat LIE!!!
6. Anal Sex Is dirty (literally).
This is another greatest misconception about Anal Sex. The anus and the lower part of the rectum actually have very little fecal material in them, which means it tends to not be nearly as dirty as you think. Regardless, if you are still concerned, you can always have a bowel movement prior followed by an enema, if you want to be squeaky clean.
7. God Hates Anal Sex.
When we speak about sex just like on several other matters that we think is bad, we often quote our scriptures and ‘Holy Books’ to justify our claims. In our minds we think that we are speaking God’s mind, but clearly we are not. We are quoting what people wrote. What fellow humans penned down. And these holy books have been translated countless times to suit the interpretations of its translators, so what you think you know is true could just be another person’s ideas. But the truth is, the bible clearly does not speak against two committed and loving people having anal sex. It speaks against ritualistic pagan sex.
May God destroy you to your entire generation for trying to convince people into this dangerous act. The said anal sex which could destroy their anus, until medical intervention.
No one is encouraging anyone here, i am only trying to decipher the lies from the fact/truth. And F.Y.I people are enjoying anal sex gay or straight, and there’s nothing you can do about it. I will advice you find peace with yourself in this world and find where you belong, and oh! when you do? please stay there for the sake of your own peace of mind.. Thank you. Check us out here for more interesting posts, if you don’t mind.
Poor Janet wishes she’s a God no no.
She would have killed all like hungry lion over sex. Or made humans into dummies with no feelings. amen.
Sex is a gift from God to keep the world going.
It is one important life wire of relationship.
Human body is sexy. Different organs are sexual. How arousing are our ears! The tongue for tickling and kissing and mouth for licking and sucking!
Janet, have you had your hands caressed before?
What of feet fetishism?
Janet must be boring in bed. I pity your partner.
This is very funny, couldn’t stop laughing…
If anal sex is prohibited by your creator why did he create the prostate gland which is the pleasure giver for all men straight or gay, 3″ inside the anus ?
Anal sex is more enjoyable between two responsible individuals be it straight or gay , sex is sex
Yes, people will fail to understand this.
God LOVES anal sex
He should… Lol!
U people have psychological problems for justifying gay practices, u guys think u r in the western world. It’s a pity we have people like u in our society. Living creatures r of two types the asexual and sexual. The natural law as observed shows the same method of sex which support the straight perspective of sexaulity( mating with opposite sex) which is evident in both animals and micro organisms. Have u seen a cock mating with another cock? Or hen mating another hen? Or two male dogs engage in the same act? U people just don’t want to be truthful n honest to urselves, quite pathetic. The sooner u LGTB starts telling urself d truth d better for u. Lets call a spade a spade.
Do you research my good friend. There are lots of evidences to support that animals engage in homosexual practices.
Buggy, did you read the post? It’s not about “gay practices” or “straight perspective of sexaulity”. It’s about anal sex. Educate yourself. Maybe one day you will also live “in the western world”, as you call modernity. Do not ever have the audacity to think that YOU have the right to tell another person how to have (consensual) sex or with whom. Your own personal fantasies are utterly unimportant to the rest of humanity. Live and live, love and let love.
And to answer your uneducated rhetorical question: Yes, I have seen male dogs hump other male dogs. But that’s different. Again, education would help you achieve more understanding of the world.