Suspected Homosexuals Beaten To A Pulp By Mob In Jos Nigeria

Jos Map beaten

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About 20 innocent young men were severely beaten to a pulp in Sabo Fagi area of Jos Nigeria by a mob who claimed that they are homosexuals.

The incidence which took place on the 19th of June, 2016 left many innocent young men almost dead, as they bled profusely from different parts of their bodies resulting from the injuries they sustained from the heavy beatings they received from the mob who attacked them.

According to one human rights activist at the scene who spoke to NoStrings, he said that the victims were individually haunted and abducted from their homes by a mob who claimed that they were homosexuals.

He said “These men where shown no mercy at all, even as they do not have any proof whatsoever that they are homosexuals. They were badly beaten. It got to a point where the father of one of the victims tried to stop the mob from beating his son, but he too was beaten along with his son. It was a bad sight”

READ ALSO: (Podcast) How I Almost Got Killed For Being Gay in Abuja, Nigeria!

He said that the attack was triggered when a parent discovered that their son is a homosexual from a doctor who performed an anal examination on their son with their permission, as the parents were suspecting their son to be gay.

He also said that he believes that somehow the information must have gotten out, and this prompted a mob to launch an attack on innocent men, targeting effeminate men around the area, especially those who were friends with the young man whose parents discovered to be gay.

He said “Most of the men that were targeted looked feminine, and because of the misconception that gay men are feminine, they were targeted and heavily beaten”

He also said that the victims have refused to take legal action, as they fear that their name will be dragged on in a homosexual case and this will further humiliate them.

He said “Some of the victims no longer feel safe around the area and are making plans to flee the area, as some people may choose to hurt them again. Some of the victims I have been in contact with do not want to take legal action, as they fear further humiliation”

He also said that some of the victims are currently receiving treatments with the support of human rights organizations within the area and the victim’s families have also been supportive.

Clearly, this is injustice, cruelty, inhumane and criminal. We should all be concerned to speak up against these kinds of acts put up by ordinary Nigerians who shouldn’t be taking laws into their own hands.

These are human beings with lives and blood in their veins, and for God’s sake they have not done anything wrong at all. They do not deserve to be treated with less dignity, as this is against their constitutional and fundamental human rights accorded them by the statue of their birth and their very existence.

We have a system here in the country when it comes to dealing with matters of this sort, and people should be able to respect these systems if we really want to live in chaotic free society. People should not neglect, abuse, or negatively exploit these systems.

We here at NoStrings condemns these acts, and is therefore calling on concerned citizens and individuals to speak up against all forms of injustice and barbaric acts perpetrated against members of the society. This we all need to do if we really want to witness a better future for ourselves and for the sake of our future generation.

This is obviously not the first time that these kinds of things are happening in the country, where suspected LGBT persons are trapped and severely beaten. When will all these stop?

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    This is tragic. It shows the extent to how we have legalised hate in this country. My heart goes out to the victims. Aren’t the deaths of Akinnifesi Olubunmi, the Orlando 49 and many other unreported ones enough? What a black Friday!

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    Richard 9 years


    This is just the beginning. I saw as they were beaten to hell. One had died already.

    LMAO….gays will all die.

    This is just the starting point. But why will someone choose to be a homo??

    It’s horrible to hear this. Spits out….puwaaaaaaa

    A man having urge for man. Tufiakwa.

    How horrible this can be.
    Pls can you gays die for ever.

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      Sinnex 9 years

      I hope you would say the same thing when your son, brother or relative is killed because of their sexuality.

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      enrich_lee 9 years

      Karma is one sweet bitch! Pls don’t hesitate to kill ur own son wen he turns out gay

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    Lia 9 years

    I hate Nigeria stupid country , you are not fighting against your country corruption but homo, with that your country dont accept it does your country grow still , 99 % of country who accept it There country are not lack of anything @ Richard , you are the most illiterate i have ever seen ,people with such bad mouth like yours are the people they meet at the gay club, its better you quiet if you dont know what to say

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