Young Nigerian man opens up to his parents as gay, and the outcome?
Seyi, a young Nigerian man has spoken to NoStringsNG on a podcast about why he came out as gay to his parents, and what followed after.
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Despite the fact that the country condemns all forms of same-sex relationships and sexual activities between same gender loving persons, Seyi said he found the courage to speak to his parents about his sexual orientation after he saw the film ‘Prayers for Bobby’ an American film about a young boy who took his own life because of his mother’s homophobia.
On the podcast, Seyi said he struggled with internalized homophobia for so long and felt terrible hiding his sexual orientation from his parents and family, and thought telling them would help him get rid of his homosexual attractions, an attraction he considered “weird” at the time.
Seyi said after coming out, so many things changed for him, and at some point felt disconnected from his family.
To listen to Seyi’s full compelling and inspiring story, click the link below to download the episode.
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I think it’s hard time we all started coming out! If we keep hiding then we’ll never get liberation!
We all should be ACTIVISTs
We all should be activists, i lovethat clause. Activitism begins from acceptance, most LGB are still in denial that’s why there is so much hate within and without the community.
Seyi has big balls, I hope to use mine too.
seyi is brave
most would prefer dying
So emotional, what a brave young man…
Nice one
I love gay guys I m gay top love big ass ok