NoStrings launches its official Hotline for LGBT Nigerians

HotlineGood news everyone!

Here at NoStrings, we believe that all lives matters, and LGBT persons are humans, and so their lives matters.

We have decided to launch the official NoStrings hotline to tackle issues affecting the lives of LGBT persons living in the country. The aim is not just to bring the community together but to provide access to accurate information whenever it is needed.

So, are you an LGBT person living in Nigeria and going through some serious challenges and need help? Do you need access to counseling and support? Do you need to access FREE HIV testing services, or are you having some health concerns you will need to discuss with experts and professionals?

Also, have you experienced any human rights violation, or you have witnessed this happen to someone else and will need to report it? Are you in danger? Is anyone trying to blackmail you? Or you just need to make a general inquiry with us here at NoStrings?

The phone number you can use is +234 813 242 0473. It is a 24hour open phone line for SMS and phone calls. Call now, call today to speak with someone confidentially who will listen and wont judge.

Please note:

Please make an indication, if you will like to be subscribed to our SMS alert notification service to get periodic updates from us.

We will not entertain phone calls from people directly seeking for financial assistance of whatever kind, or for hook up arrangements.

Also your confidentiality is our priority and we assure you that whatever you discuss with us, will be kept safe and will not be shared with any individual or organization without your consent. Please feel free to read our PRIVACY POLICY and STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY.

Best Wishes.

The NoStringsNG Team

Do you have something to say? please leave your comments below.

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    alade Michael 9 years

    Have been rejected by most of my family members seen I open up on my sex and am soon depres pls how can I come out of it

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    am dying slowly everyday .I have think many times of suicide. am 22years.old .pls how can I open up to my family? thanks

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    Dolu 8 years

    I am bisexual and even thinking of running to USA or Canada to seek asylum. Plz I need ur advice.

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    Mahutin 8 years

    I feel so trap. Sometimes I just feel like running away and never looking back. I can’t open up to anyone around me. I just need someone to listen and understand without judgement. I just need someone to talk to.

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    Temmy 8 years

    I Have Being Condemned,mocked Even My Friends Made Fun Of Me Sometime I Just Wish I Was Dead….

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      Sometimes we feel that we have reached the end. But this is just our pain trying to get the best of us. These words may not very well speak to your situation, but believe it. You are not alone, and there are many like you out there. send an email with your contact to You’ll be reached.

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