Nigerian man brutally beaten and injured for putting on female clothes (Photos)

Pictures of a young Nigerian man who was brutally beaten and humiliated because he dressed up in female clothing has surfaced online.

One Okosuma Isaac shared the horrible pictures online stating that the young man in the pictures disguised as a female and went to visit a strange man that he has been chatting with online, and it was there and then that he was attacked, seriously beaten and stripped naked.

This is not just outright wickedness but also a human right violation as according to section 34 of the Nigerian Constitution which states that ‘every individual’ is entitled to respect for the dignity of his person and no person shall be subject to torture or inhuman or degrading treatment.

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    kopmang 8 years

    2bad d lgbt community in dis part of d world should stand up 4 there right by making there position known most especially during election time eg 2019 coming elections 2vote 4 those candidates that recognises them n there right

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