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Male sex workers in Uganda sets up new website amidst challenges

An organization called Men of the Night, whose aim is to help tackle the many issues and challenges faced by male sex workers in Uganda, has just launched its official new website.

Sex workers male

The organization is led by Kakande Cameron, who serves as the executive director.

Men of the Night, was established by three men in 2011 as a response to the enormous health problems experienced by male sex workers in Uganda and part of the organization’s purpose is to lobby for health services and justice of male sex workers so that they can express themselves freely without the risk of attracting reprisal from state agencies and the mainstream community.

The organization undertakes different health awareness programs, from psychosocial support services, sexual health, capacity building, and legal advice to research and many more.

To visit the new website, follow: http://www.menofthenightug.org/en/Home/

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