This Man Traps, Rapes, And Extorts Men In Nigeria

Prince David who rapes men

Prince David

Our attention here at NoStrings has been drawn to a certain Prince David who traps, rapes and extorts men in Nigeria.

If you can recall, then you’ll remember that at a certain time here on NoStrings, we published a story about a young Nigerian man who was raped, and his items collected by an unnamed man whose details were not published at the time.

READ ALSO: Nigerian Man Raped By A Fake Male Police Officer!

But after series of disturbing reports from victims, and further investigations, we have decided to publish his identity and information, just so people can be more careful.

His name at least as we know it is Prince David and he is present on Facebook with the ID:, he claims to be a doctor, and his profile currently shows that he attended Golden Touch High School in Benin City. His profile also shows that he is from Benin City, and currently lives in Benin City, Nigeria.

Before compiling this report, NoStrings tried to reach him, but instead he deleted all his photos and other information from his Facebook profile, and has refused to respond.


David lures his victims via social media to certain arranged locations, and then rapes and collects their valuables. Afterwards, he’ll threaten them with the current anti-gay law, and promise to further expose them if they try to report or expose him.

Yes, there is a law against homosexuality in the country, but it is nowhere stated in the law that ordinary individuals can/should trap suspected homosexuals and then extort or rape them.

If one is suspected to be a homosexual by another, then the only limit to what any individual can do is to report to the police. Nothing further is required to be done by any individual.

Rape and extortion are both crimes punishable under the laws of Nigeria, so therefore we here at NoStrings is calling on all concerned parties to look into this matter, and arrest Mr. Prince David for committing these crimes and then made to face the full penalties of his wicked actions.

Join us here to campaign for the arrest of Mr. Prince David by using the hash tag #ArrestPrinceDavid


david gold

david gold3


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    michael 9 years

    Pathetic asshole

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    He lives in Abj!!!! I just knew that he meet his March. Heartless being

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    David D Gold 9 years

    So am finally here. Stop blackmailing me. I don’t understand your allegation. We are after your arrest mike Deamon. This your site is illegal and homosexuality is punishable by law.

    Nobody will ever say I have taken his one Kobo. You are tarnishing my image. Why my anti- gay group still works.

    Have a nice arrest.

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      Your statement here clearly implicates you.

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        Tito 9 years

        We should take this to linda,instablog as well

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      Akwaramaudele akakpa 9 years

      So you are finally here, so you anticipated the arrest demand, and I bet you, you must be arrested and subsequently prosecuted,beast!

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      Anti David. D. Gold 9 years

      bloody fool, that’s because you don’t have a job, since when did you become a law enforcement agent, Bastard. nemesis await you old fool

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      Pink Panther 9 years

      Pathetic human being! We’ll keep exposing you until there’s no victim left for you to prey on. Idiot!

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      stanley 9 years

      shut up…u stole my money in asaba…took my atm and withdrew all my money you wretched thief…God will punish ur generation…you will never see anything good…the works of ur labour shall be cursed…tears sorrows and weeping shall never cease in your life! and u shall die a miserable death! amen!

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    stanley 9 years

    he raped my friend and made away with my money…been slowly looking for him…your days are numbered david…trust me wen i say that…if u no refund me my money…make i die…relax im not the one coming for u…but i will always be there to see ur doom

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    David D Gold 9 years

    Laughing out Loud. I am so sorry for you guys. Even among your friends are my workers and staff. I am no longer at work. My boys are out their to get the rest. We even caught one today. His account is empty. I just pity you. Can anyone catch the Wind. Mike Daemon, we shall see who wins this battle.

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      Tito 9 years

      If you are not an unrepentant fraudster pls what do you need with young gays money…You deceive them ,lure them,sleep with them and steal from them…you are pathetic and you are going down….

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    Tayo 9 years

    hello guys. I want you people to know that this said David Gold, can never do this thing you people are talking about. I believe his been set up by some of you. take a good look at that comments of his. its so clear that that was never him. what ever this is about lets stop now. use your brains

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      long thing 9 years

      Pls contact me 07089944675,its very important pls ..maybe on wat app

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    Tayo 9 years

    this is not good for us at all. has this man killed anybody? why go this far with rubbish about people you know nothing about? how can one man be rappin and doing all this things at the same time. make Una think and let’s kill this story now before it gets out of hand

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    Muonyad 9 years

    Prince David is a thief

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    Muonyad 9 years

    Please I advised you gays to stop visiting unknown person..
    Stop… Stop loving material things…
    And be contacted with what u have…
    And if you don’t have job… Please try to learn handiwork…
    Because all these happen at times in the name of looking favour … Or money from unknown.

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    Tayo 9 years

    let’s face fact. how can that man be a thief for heavens sake? have you met this person in question? what could he have stolen from people? in another tot does of us who claims to have met this man in question do we really have a job? because if we do none of this stories would have come up today. how about if some one is behind all this happening? lets stop this evil about him and face our own life why we still have the chance of doing so. Remember it’s just one life we all have, killing his own now with this kind of story. I don’t agree tbs

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      Tito 9 years

      you are a bloody fool..i guesss you are next on his prey list…He is worse than a thief but trust me he has nowhere to hide..He has duped and hurt so many people,so why should they lie against him.i have a link with commissioner of police and we are already in plans to catch him….

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    good thought 9 years

    Am surprised seeing dis one thing .I no
    that there is a wrong here I wish someone with a common sense should figure it out .
    Tayo I leave that 2 u…
    U should no better bro.

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    good thought 9 years

    And as for u stanly y afetching from d ignoramus well,anyways a sensible man won’t dwell on ignorantness. Use ur brain cells bro stanly.

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    good thought 9 years

    Only a person fetching from d ignoramus well will point something foolish ,stanly can u pls read wat u wrote ur self ,bro that’s pathetic of u. Believe me watch ur self in d mirror and repeat it again and u will see u are just bragging on some air that can not be catch…
    All ur stories are unorthodox.

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    David D Gold 9 years

    Jesus. I have my witness. I know am innocent. Backbitters it won’t work for you guys. Am innocent and I know I am.

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    U are a bastard David Gold D.

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    Anonymous 8 years

    to make things clearer to the minds with questions, i think we should conduct a research into the said suspect and have our truth to our selves. I just did so you should too. I have every living details and data about him and they are all clean so i do not see where the extortion is coming from. But everybody had their bad days at some point and HRH. David Gold is not an exception, but amongst his crimes, extortion and rape was not on the list. A lot of bodies have strongly looked into the matter and therapist as well, so we have digged up what was done and we n boldly say that lies were way bigger than the truth told in this story. Thank you.

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