Gay and lesbian people make things difficult for transgender people?

transA supposed Kenyan transgender woman has complained bitterly that gays and lesbians are spreading stereotypes about transgender people, and so, it has created a lasting negative impression on the Trans community.

She stated this on Facebook. Read her comments below.

Some gays and lesbians are out there yapping about transgender peoples issues and in the process transgender people are stereotyped as gays and we become targets of homophobes. I respect some gays but they have spread a lot of stereotypes about transsexuals and we have to bear the consequences. Things need to be done differently.

Read also: “I have always been a woman” – Miss SaHHara, Nigerian transsexual says

Is she trying to say that when gay and lesbian people stand to speak about issues affecting the lives of transgender people, they draw unsolicited attention to the trans community, or that they are not properly representing the trans community in terms of advocacy? or could it also be that she is insinuating that there is trans-phobia, lurking somewhere within the gay and lesbian community?

What do you guys think of her comments?

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    She is saying that a number of homosexuals view trans people as “extreme homosexuals” and not as they are. That a number of homosexuals are deeply transphobia and ignorant about the plight of trans folk. A number of homosexuals refuse to refer to trans folk as they are and instead mis-gender them deliberately, thereby obliterating any growth for trans persons individually and as a movement. A number of homosexuals need to know that trans is about gender and not sex!

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    Godwin 9 years

    I just allowed a gay guy to die. I don’t know why I hate gays so much. Pls I need help to stop homophobic heart. I have prayed but it does not stop me.

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      Allowed a gay guy to die?

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      Jamie 2.1 9 years

      Godwin, how? What happened? Can you talk to us?

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        Michael 9 years

        Godwin, no one can help you with your hate unless you help us. It really helps to talk about these things. Now what happened ?

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        Michael 9 years

        You are no one special except a loser to humanity. How could you just stand by and watch someone get the life sucked out of them?

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      Michael 9 years

      Are you fuckin’ insane?.What if that had been your brother? You saw someone, rather gay or straight, have the life sucked out of them and it never crossed your mind to help?

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    Dear Godwin,
    God is love. There should be no place in the heart of anyone who prays to God for hatred. Jesus tells us to love our enemies and to forgive those who sin against us. Jesus reached out to all those who were despised in His society. He said that He came to save sinners not to condemn them.

    The normal reason that anyone experiences strong hatred for himosexuals is that they are themselves homnosexual and deep-down they know this. This is not certainly the case, there can be other reasons – of course – but please ask yourself where this hatred comes from. Have you been sexually abused? That is another possible cause.

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      Michael 9 years

      Fun facts: homosexuality is found in 1500 species. Homophobia is found in just one. Who’s unatural now?

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        Michael 9 years

        Godwin, are you Muslim? That is fine. Let’s talk.

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