Lagos Nigeria: Police arrest 42 suspected homosexuals at hotel

The Nigerian police in Lagos State have arrested 42 persons alleged to have engaged in ‘homosexual activities’.

According to a report made available by Sunday Punch Newspaper, the suspects were said to have been rounded up at a hotel at Weigh Bridge in Owode Onirin area of Lagos State on Saturday around 3.30 pm.

It was also reported that the hotel, Vincent Hotel, where they were arrested had been sealed off.

The Lagos State Police Public Relations Officer, Olarinde Famous-Cole, confirmed the arrest.

He added that the suspects had been handed over to the state task force for prosecution.

He said, “It is true. About 42 suspected homosexuals were arrested and the hotel has been condoned off while investigation continues. They are in custody of the Lagos State Task Force and will be charged to court soon.”

It is so heartbreaking that LGBT persons have continued to remain targets and exposed to attacks at all times.

It is also so frustrating that members of the LGBT community will have to constantly watch their backs for fear of getting harassed, arrested, brutally beaten or even killed for being who they are.

LGBT persons are human beings and the right of all is constitutionally protected. No one should be treated any differently because of who they are or love.

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  • comment-avatar
    Lee O 8 years

    Why all these laws to protection of privacy in these countries but when it comes to privacy between same sex people, these laws don’t apply ?

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      Abraham Victor 8 years

      Because homosexuals are criminals in Nigeria.

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    OMG!!! It's HYPO 8 years

    This is heart-shattering! Hope TIERs has been informed?

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    Lee O 8 years

    What does TIERS stand for ?

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    Somto 8 years

    They should look into this case very well, these people will spoil this country. Homosexuality is a sin.

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    Lee O 8 years

    So is adultery, cheating, lying, and many other sins, so do you arrest and put everyone that commit a sin in jail, beat them and kill them ? What happen to God saying “judge not that ye be judge more harshly” Who is to take God’s place in judging ? Also what happen to “ye without sin, cast the first stone” so is this not valid as Jesus spoke ?

    Why are laws determined by religious books, as there are many of them ? Why do you need a parliament to make laws if the laws were written over 2000 years ago ???

    Look at the African countries today, and look at their 3rd world status, that contributes very little to society that is positive, and the poor status of these countries. When you take away freedoms of choice, then the entire country suffers.

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    Lee O 8 years

    Then let the country set up courts and arrest and punish everyone that commits a sin, even the cleric’s, the pastors, the leaders of the country, as if you follow Biblical teachings, then all men/women have sinned, and the death and resurrection of Jesus cleansed the sins of man. Judge not that ye be judged, and judged more harshly. those who set themselves up to judge, will be judged accordingly and more harshly than they judge, so beware of your own short comings and sins.

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    Lee O 8 years

    Nigeria is known as full of cheaters, scammers who rob people, blackmail people, all for money.. so your reputations is more tarnished in the world than people who are born the way they are, and you want to punish them for being who and what they are.. It is also known that some women, and yes in Nigeria, enjoy anal sex, so do you look into everyone’ bedroom and punish them? Is there a law or instruction book on how each person prefers to have sex. Ye without sin, cast the first stone, and believe me, there are plenty of sins committed in Nigeria and all over Africa, so they shouldn’t be judging anyone. Clean up your own house before you start casting stones at others.

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    JJ 8 years

    Is there no legal tradition of ‘innocent before PROVEN guilty’? A sweep of that many people feels like a wide net was cast…very draconian.

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    Nacido Rico 8 years

    Very Bad indeed.

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