Homosexuals Do Not Choose To Be Homosexuals – Archbishop Desmond Tutu

desmond tutu
Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who led a decades-long fight against racial discrimination in South Africa, says the oppression of gay people around the world is the “new Apartheid.” The retired Anglican archbishop spoke openly with NBC’s Ann Curry about God, the bible and homophobia.

In a sit down with Ann Curry of NBC joined by his daughter, he said;

“It’s not a choice, you don’t say, I choose to be white, or I choose to be black. It’s a given, you don’t choose your sexual orientation”

When asked about if he thinks that God hates gays, he said:

“I am absolutely utterly certain that God wouldn’t be homophobic. I rather go to Hell, than go to a homophobic heaven”

He also spoke about the long standing arguments concerning the bible’s rejection of homosexuality. He said:

“The bible said quite a lot of things many of which I do not accept at all. Yes many of us say that the bible is the word of God, but yes, it is the word of God through the mouth of human beings”

He concluded by saying:

“God sits there, and weeps, because God is saying, you know what? You are all my children, you are all members of one family, my family, and when are we going to learn to live amicably together?”

To watch the interview, click HERE.

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Source: http://www.nbcnews.com

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