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Freeze, Nigerian radio personality, claims Transgender people are sick


Freeze AKA Ifedayo Olarinde

Controversial Nigerian radio personality Freeze, with real names Ifedayo Olarinde, claims that transgender people are sick and therefore needs psychiatric evaluation.

Freeze, in his nonsensical statement, which clearly shows that he has been reading way too much of religious materials, and as a result, not in touch with the times, claimed that transgender people have no right to be themselves, because according to what he thinks, the Christian God, does not permit them to.

“When did humans start playing God? Until proven beyond reasonable doubt that the creator of the universe occasionally inserts female chromosomes and genes into some twisted minded male body to create sensation, until biblically or quranically proven: don’t sell your soul to the media and their half baked story”

He continued with his pointless rants, and went further to describe American trans woman Caitlyn Jenner, as nothing but a science project.

“It took #Brucejenner 65 freaking long years to finally evolve into a cosmetic enhanced science project? Damn! damn! damn!” he said.

He continued;

“And this bull butter broke the internet? Parents please hide your kids from Bruce Jenner; he is not a hero nor brave as aggressively portrayed by the secular media. What makes one a hero? Military men and women who sacrifice their lives everyday are true heroes. Doctors and nurses save lives every day and put their lives on the line, they are true definition of heroes. Teachers who are less paid in the society impact knowledge to students; they are the unsung heroes”

Listen: Rizi Timane: My Journey as a Transgender Nigerian

In between his rants, Freeze all of a sudden, turned into one of those self righteous religious bigots, and referenced a passage in the Christian scripture to support his weak claims that Caitlyn Jenner is medically sick, demon possessed, confused and on a self destruct mission for living his true nature as a Trans woman. He said;

“A 65 year old father of ten wakes up one morning and decided to pull his penis behind his crotch, slaps two perky silicone on his chest wall, stretched his face with tons of Botox and cheek implants is not a true definition of heroism. I strongly believe Bruce Jenner needs a psychiatric evaluation and deliverance from his demons. In his quest to be relevant, he defiles God and recreated a rebel. He claimed he has discovered his authentic self, has he? 1 Corinthians 3:17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Has Bruce Jenner defiled the temple of God? Absolutely without a doubt”

Clearly, Freeze needs to educate himself on what it truly means to be transsexual or transgender as the lack of education on these issues, narrows one’s perspective, breeds bigotry and ultimately gives birth to foolishness.

But, sadly, just like any individual who have been enslaved by their religion and the general stereotypical ideas of the society, will rather not dig, but instead, will choose to dwell in their comfort zones, as they are undoubtedly afraid to face the truth.

Listen: “I have always been a woman” – Miss SaHHara, Nigerian transsexual says

And that truth remains that, transgender people do not choose to be who they are; they are who they are, and countless research studies have proven this with hard and concrete facts.

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    Andrew 8 years

    Freeze should educate himself on LGBT issues, as clearly he is ignorant about Transgenders. He should learn how to respect other people’s life. If he is so consumed with hatred about LGBT people, then let him go to hell. He is talking about God creating a man and a woman. Let him answer this question. When a trans changes his/her gender, is he/she not still classified as a male or female? Does the changes not still give output as male or female. So what is his point. If he is comfortable with what he is, no trouble but don’t start intruding into other people’s lives. And I think he is the one who is sick, cause I don’t see why any reasonable human being will mind other people’s business, when he got his own problems, when someone does that they are called APROKO.

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    Andrew 8 years

    Freeze should educate himself on LGBT issues, as clearly he is ignorant about Transgenders. He should learn how to respect other people’s life. If he is so consumed with hatred about LGBT people, then let him go to hell. He is talking about God creating a man and a woman. Let him answer this question. When a trans changes his/her gender, is he/she not still classified as a male or female? Does the changes not still give output as male or female. So what is his point.
    Is it not the same God that creates new born babies with Aids, So according to him we should not treat them, because God created them like that. Is it not the same God that creates two babies with the same heads or hands, maybe he agrees we should leave them like that since God created them. The same thing goes for Transsexuals, they have been born male/female, no doubt, but that is not who they are. So should they remain like that, suffer like that because God created them male/female first. A big NO. If he is comfortable with what he is, no trouble but don’t start intruding into other people’s lives. And I think he is the one who is sick, cause I don’t see why any reasonable human being will mind other people’s business, when he got his own problems. When someone does he is called APROKO.

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