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New show set to discuss and tackle sexuality issues in Africa

An online talk show is set to tackle sexuality issues in Africa, and everything is set for it to go live in a few days.


Official poster for the episode

The Real LGBT Lives is an online talk show hosted by Moji Solar-Percy, an experienced Nigerian talk show host and realtor, currently living in the United States.

Given the brutal and fatal consequences of extreme homophobia experienced by LGBTQ persons in Africa, the episode tagged “Sexuality in Africa, Breaking out of the closet” will look to discuss the following;

  1. Is disclosing one’s true sexuality in Africa an act of self-determination, defiance or sheer foolishness?
  2. Why should we come out of the closet in Africa when this could result in alienation, imprisonment or even death?

Moji, who related to NoStrings concerning the need to discuss the issue of sexuality in Africa, said; 

“We think it is important to speak about this issue because there is an assumption that challenges faced by gay people are homogeneous The African situation comes with different nuances and twists that render homosexuality much more challenging”

She will be hosting the interesting discussion with Koko Amandi, who will be serving as a co-host.

The live broadcast of the episode discussing the controversial subject, will air on its Blogtalk Radio channel on the 17th of November, 2016 at 7pm EST, and you are invited to freely join the conversation on that day and time by calling the number 646-716-9165 to share your opinions.

To listen to other previous interesting episodes of the show, visit: www.blogtalkradio.com/thereallgbtlives

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    Pankar 8 years

    So when’s the next episode?

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