Here’s a list of countries where gay people are executed
How many countries execute people for being gay? LGBTIQ+ news platform estimates that 13 nations call for the death penalty for gay sex, but only four countries go through with it.

This photo of a public hanging many years ago in Iran is often used to illustrate news articles about executions in Iran, including an article about the January 2019 hanging of a convicted kidnapper, a 2017 article about eight people hanged on unspecified charges, and commentaries in 2014 and 2016 about the pace of executions in Iran. (Photo courtesy of Wikicommons)
This blog’s updated list of 13 nations with such harsh anti-gay laws is a decrease from the previous tally, which had included Daesh/the Islamic State/ISIS/ISIL. At its height, ISIS repeatedly executed men accused of homosexuality. (For example, from 2015: ‘Islamic State’ has reported 15 LGBTI executions.)
Now that violent extremist Islamist enterprise, thank God, has been eradicated as a government controlling territory and administering laws. So now it’s off the list.
Here’s a summary of the complete list, which is more fully discussed in the article “13 nations have death penalty for gay sex; 4 carry it out.”

These three men, hanged in Iran in 2014, may have been convicted and executed for same-sex activity. (Photo courtesy of Iran Human Rights)
Nations with such laws on the books; executions have been carried out in the recent past:
Iran is No. 2 in the world for frequency of executions of any kind, behind China. Those include executions for homosexual activity, although the facts are often unclear or misrepresented in media reports. (See, for example, “Bogus hanging in Iran, bogus tweets in Egypt” and “Series of public hangings in Iran, including 2 for sodomy.”)
When a man in Iran is hanged after being convicted of rape and sodomy, media coverage often wrongly describes the punishment as execution for homosexuality. The most recent example of such mislabeling appears in the Jerusalem Post, Gay Star News and Jihad Watch. Each states that an unidentified man was executed on Jan. 10, 2019, on “homosexuality charges,” which sounds like consensual same-sex activity. But the articles make clear that the man was actually convicted of kidnapping and rape.
Saudi Arabia is No. 3 among the world’s most avid executioners, with 90+ in 2014. At least in the past, beheadings were imposed for homosexual behavior, including three men in 2002. Imprisonment and lashings are a more common punishment for same-sex activity.
Nations with no such law on the books; executions are carried out by militias and others:
The ILGA report of 2015 noted that “Iraq, although [the death penalty is] not in the civil code, clearly has judges and militias throughout the country that issue the death sentence for same-sex sexual behaviours.” For example: Iraq has become a death trap for gay men (September 2012)
The Islamist militant group Al-Shabaab, which controls large areas of Somalia, reportedly killed two individuals in 2017 because of their sexual orientation. The deaths were described as murders, but they might better be labeled as executions since they were done by the governing power of that region.
Nations with such laws on the books; no recent executions reported:
3. Nigeria (Muslim northern part of the country only)
Nations with such laws on the books; no executions reported:
4. Qatar
5. United Arab Emirates (Some interpretations of existing law would provide for the death penalty; no executions have been reported.)
6. Brunei Darussalam The country has had a de facto moratorium on executions since 1957. According to news reports, it has not yet implemented a harsh new Syariah Penal Code Order, which includes the death penalty for consensual same-sex sexual behavior, at least on paper.
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this also happens in uganda where lgbti r killed but never reported
if you do not want gay people in your country then send them to the united states where they can live in peace
So true ,we are suffering in Nigeria
Or South Africa, a country that legalized gay marriage in 2006.
What about Kenya? I heard gays are being murdered in there as well.
Can anybody confirm/deny it?
Its not true.. Here we are free but not that open.. I mean not that garlish.
In Kenya it’s 14yrs imprisonment but the discrimination from the public is too much….
Brazil too.
Trump is treating asylum seekers as illegal aliens. So the U.S. is not the haven I wish it were.
the only thing that’s in their way is trump and the GOP
PLEASE join my news site and help spread the news, the only way people in the world will know is thru social media, the name of my facebook group is, transgender LGBTQ news and things of interest
It’s really Sad that the world has came to this ,wee all God’s blessings n who is that thy can kill u for being Gay I have a frd tht I’m tryna so hard to get over here from Niggria
Trump is only enforcing the law!!!! Come here “LEGALLY”!! I’m so sick of hearing you idiots say Trump is doing this or that. You can’t just walk over the boarder in any other country in the world and just say I’m here now I’m a citizen! Get fucking real
We in Canada are equal Citizens under the law. LGBTQ person’s have the same rights and responsibilities as all other Canadians. Yes there is Homophobia, yes there are acts of violence occasionally, yes there is still bullying however there are consequences to those actions and they are considered criminal offenses.
Terribly sad to read such information. Unfortunately there are countries like Pakistan where gays or LGBTIQ people are thrown out of the community without any formal education or training. They need to live away from their families with their own kind that is with othet LGBTI members often in remote areas with little or no access to any legal justice. Since they are not educated, they are not able to get a decent job, hence they get into the sex industry or they often sing and dance to get some basic needs met. Not accepted by their own family nor by the larger community which must be too depressing for them. Yet they go out during weddings or events such as the birth of a boy child and sing and dance to earn some money. Hoping someday they may have the advantage of a just system just as any other citizen in any country has.
Oh it’s okay to send gay people to the USA to live in peace but the Hispanic people who work their asses off aren’t aloud that’s bullshit. You people want to put a wall but bring gay people to live peacefully here…. what has this Country become….
Australia is better than the USA.
Just like Canada.
Seeking asylum is legal,has been before you were born.People running for ther lives.These people are so interested on who is banging who,just saying.
God Jesus Christ have mercy on the world, our since are terrible
“It’s really Sad that the world has came to this ,wee all God’s blessings n who is that thy can kill u for being Gay I have a frd tht I’m tryna so hard to get over here from Niggria”
It’s because of ‘Gods’ that they kill gays – the sooner the world is rid of religion the better.
I am a gay man living in the USA, & I cannot believe the utter stupidity of gays voting liberal, supporting the very candidates that allow these murders of innocent gays go on. Trump is not your enemy people, he has no issues with gays whatsoever, I know first hand, I worked for him for over 20 years. But you all keep supporting these Democrats who are Muslim sympathizers & someday the USA will be doing the same thing.
This rubbish doesn’t belong to Africa, take it where ever you want but it doesn’t have even an inch in Africa
In the USA people are executed for being black.
Many countries not listed where gays are killed by the authorities or where authorities actively encourage torture and murder… Uganda, Zimbabwe, south Africa where raping lesbians is common practice…., Russia where gays are beaten and deaths have occurred…..
Hang on… why are people saying send them o the USA? A country where states still allow you to shoot and kill gay men because ‘you felt in fear of your life’ because they are gay… there was only a recent shooting (there’s always a recent shooting in the USA of course). A country with racial hatred, transgender are denied civil rights in many states.. oh yes the USA may as well be an Iraq or Iran.
In response to a remark about the United States not being the haven hoped for. We as a nation are under siege and overrun with far too many illegals, many are criminals. It is necessary to take steps to protect our citizens. If you want in then proceed legally.
Please don’t send anymore gays to the US. They’re annoying as hell, liars and bullies. Send them elsewhere; Great Britain perhaps.
That’s because radical left wing groups have encouraged a flood of economic migrants to apply for asylum even though they do not qualify. That has caused the system to crash, and people who have legitimate asylum claims wind up not getting their cases administered. It’s the radical left’s fault, not Trump’s.
Considering scientifically persons participating in non productive sex should eventually die out, due to lack of reproduction. Which puts this from a genetic side effect to a mental disorder. now does mutual masterbation actually qualify as love or self intitlement and self gratification. personally i say live and let live, behind closed doors. Promotion using tax dollars should have never been permitted. And glorificaiton is just a sick joke.
PROUD MUSLIM Alhamdulliah i am Muslim