Nigeria: Police arrest over 100 alleged gay and lesbians

Nigerian police have arrested more than 100 party-goers at a hotel in Asaba, Delta State, on charges that they are gays and lesbians.

nigerian police

The incident reportedly happened around 2 a.m. yesterday at Delta Park Hotel in Asaba.

According to a witness who reported the incident to NoStringsNG, the police showed up at the hotel’s club, where more than 100 men and women were having a party, and started beating and harassing everyone in attendance.

The witness said he was lucky to have escaped, but was able to see how the police were hitting the party-goers with their guns and hands.

After the police had finished beating them, they arrested everyone, including the staff and management of the hotel, and took them to police station in Asaba, the witness said.

According to human rights activists who are working on the case, some of the arrested persons have given statements, and the police have granted them bail. Meanwhile, dozens are still being detained at the police station and the police have threatened to charge the matter to court.

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    This is absurd. How can they imagine that arresting gay people will turn us into heterosexuals? People are what they are. Live and let live.

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    Tom Malanga 7 years

    When will Nigerians stand up and revolt and attack the Police? The 1969 Stonewall Riots in NYC were the result of LGBTs saying, “Enough is enough!” and they rioted and it was the beginning of change in our laws. Last year was Lagos, now Asaba, what will be next and how will Nigerian LGBTs and allies respond?

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    jane 7 years

    It is a a shame that the same Policemen who arrested these Men and Women , have sex with their Partners through the Anus and do a lot of Horrible things than some Homosexuals.

    Nigerians , Hypocrisy will Never Help Us!

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    Kelvin 7 years

    What proof do they have that these people are Gay and Lesbians? It was a club party. Simple. These over zealous bastards need to calm the fuck down. They want to charge them to court? Where is their evidence?

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    Tasha Gold 7 years

    Many of those police men ar gay dey should bring out evidence that them are really gay and lesbians

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